It's never too late for a New Year gist, Happy 2022

Hello there to my blog lovers, fans, readers and every one of you out there, Happy New Year to you all, it's really nice being here again😌🤗

The Year is still fresh and I'd love to share some words with everyone of you, no matter how little, I hope it's useful.

So I want you all to know that the New Year is literally a new chapter of our life being opened, a new page, and a new title, although some of us had good achievements at the end of the past year while some didn't, it's not over yet🙅

You see, the moment a year passes you by, it's like emptying a container (yourself), although it's dependent on the owner of the container, which means you can decide to drop negative and unpleasant things in the past year or still carry them along into a new year, and the moment you enter into a new year, you're like an empty container as it's another fresh start and opportunity to fill up again either rightly or wrongly, so I hope in this New year, that you would;

✓ Say Yes when you need to and say No when you need to.

✓ End that toxic relationship, it's not do or die it's better to have a toxic relationship that can still be sorted out than a toxic marriage that you can't get out of.

✓ Work on that personality that is giving you lots of problems.

✓ Be rationally intentional about the decisions you would be making.

✓ Make sure to accomplish that which you couldn't accomplish in the past year. We need to be conscious that we're making use of God's time, not ours, not man's.

I hope in this New Year you would really be consistent, determined and serious about doing the needful;

No more procrastinating🤔
No more refusing🤷
No more running away🏃
No more hiding👀

Remember "Tick..Tock..Tick..Tock", because a time would come that it would be too late.

P:S; "No matter what you face this year, be grateful, some didn't make it into this year at all"

I remain your blogger☺️❤️

Happy New Year again😉✨
Cheers to a greater Year for all of us🥂❤️


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