I understand you've been betrayed
I understand you've been disappointed
I understand you've been mocked
I understand you've been intimidated
I understand you've been condemned
I understand you've been forgotten
I understand you're messed up already
I understand you've been embarrassed publicly
I understand you've been abused emotionally
I understand you've done and tried everything in your power
I understand you want to give up because of the stress
I understand you've been abandoned, left behind, left alone
I understand you've been misunderstood & it has led to a big damage
I understand that everyone has turned their back on you
I understand you want to live a closed, secret & private life because of everything you've faced.

I understand it's really hard but you know, that's not how it should end. It started roughly though, some, it became rough in the middle, but it shouldn't end that way. It's ok to cry, don't hold it in, just let it flow, pour it all out.
I understand it's tough but you have to come out of your shell, you have to make a move, make a difference and If it's your environment that's the problem, relocate, don't die without a value or without an impact in life.
You are born to be great!
You are born to excel!
You are born to do lots of great and extraordinary things!

No one determines your life, 95% of everything everyone face in life involves people. There's always someone in it, either beginning, middle or the end. Someone is always involved

Don't give the world a reason to bring you down, don't give anyone the reason to make you inferior. No one really cares, but what you leave for your unborn generations matters...

I understand you've gone through a lot, but place stand up once more, make a move, do our best and leave the rest, do it with determination and pray over it, once you let GOD become involved in your matters, you will surely have a cause to rejoice.

I myself, have gone through a lot, but i didn't let that decide my happiness, decide my vision, decide me life! Although it wasn't easy but I knew it was worth it, I knew it would all be in the past, and I believed and I remembered I have a BIG GOD that gat my back, that alone resolved it all.

Hardships would come to everyone but it's now in our hands how we choose to handle it, don't let your past, present situation hold you down. Life doesn't end there. Remember that there's only one version of you, make good use of it and change the world.

Your experience is meant to teach people a lesson and not end you.


  1. Everyone have a story to tell...
    But someday, it's all gonna be alright

  2. Mind blowing and sad😢
    But I believe all will be fine, just by reading this.
    Thank you so much for this writeup! It's brought me back to my feet💪
    There's no stopping me any more


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