I am sure most of us have being told that the tongue is powerful, yet we tend to be nonchalant about it. Well it's very true that the tongue is powerful and indeed dangerous. Most of the problems we face at times and the challenges that come by us are as a result of the misuse of our tongue, in the sense that, we say negative things and these words, most times, come to pass. It's normal to get angry, it's even legal and acceptable to be angry, but we still ought to be very careful on how we use our tongue during our emotional moments, because even that same tongue can come back to haunt you, YES YOU. When we are angry, we are obviously not in our right state of mind, and the moment anger takes over you, you get controlled by it and that makes you do or say things irrationally, except if you're emotionally intelligent, but nevertheless avoid negative words coming from you to someone "Words said are like eggs, once it drops, it can never be m...