

I am sure most of us have being told that the tongue is powerful, yet we tend to be nonchalant about it. Well it's very true that the tongue is powerful and indeed dangerous. Most of the problems we face at times and the challenges that come by us are as a result of the misuse of our tongue, in the sense that, we say negative things and these words, most times, come to pass. It's normal to get angry, it's even legal and acceptable to be angry, but we still ought to be very careful on how we use our tongue during our emotional  moments, because even that same tongue can come back to haunt you, YES YOU. When we are angry, we are obviously not in our right state of mind, and the moment anger takes over you, you get controlled by it and that makes you do or say things irrationally, except if you're emotionally intelligent, but nevertheless avoid negative words coming from you to someone "Words said are like eggs, once it drops, it can never be m...


      A CRY FOR THE HELPLESS CHILDREN                                                                                                     I f I decide to keep my view to the ugliness in my country and how it has affect the state of childhood in my country then exploding angrily will be an understatement.  Like how would children become nuisance on the streets, can Nigeria get any worse?!.  I vividly remember going back home from my  church years back, I was on my way home by the road side when I saw a very little boy, definitely not up to 5years of age sitting with his head and arms on his knees,  I couldn't tell what was going on with him, I wasn't sure if he was sleeping, because he was way to...

It's never too late for a New Year gist, Happy 2022

Hello there to my blog lovers, fans, readers and every one of you out there, Happy New Year to you all, it's really nice being here againπŸ˜ŒπŸ€— The Year is still fresh and I'd love to share some words with everyone of you, no matter how little, I hope it's useful. So I want you all to know that the New Year is literally a new chapter of our life being opened, a new page, and a new title, although some of us had good achievements at the end of the past year while some didn't, it's not over yetπŸ™… You see, the moment a year passes you by, it's like emptying a container (yourself), although it's dependent on the owner of the container, which means you can decide to drop negative and unpleasant things in the past year or still carry them along into a new year, and the moment you enter into a new year, you're like an empty container as it's another fresh start and opportunity to fill up again either rightly or wrongly, so I hope in this New year,...


Hey there!πŸ€—πŸ™‹ Welcome to my blog post againπŸ™ƒ It's so nice to have you all again. So back to today's content; Financial shortcuts has not just become so popular in our world today, instead, it has become a norms to some of us, it has become a legal act to several youths and even the teenagers have gotten so involved😒 and believe me it's eating them up negatively and obviously affecting their future badly. First things first, why is it that we always tend to go through the fastest route & shortest route all the time? wait, what's actually wrong in patiently doing things step by step? Why are we faster than our future? You can't override predestination, everything in life, both good and bad has being accounted by our creator to happen/manifest in the due times. Time to be Poor and Time to be Rich I'm not saying we shouldn't earn money, as a matter of fact, there are ways we can earn money other than using shortcuts like, ritual, f...


        BUCKLE UP! LUCIFER IS REAL (2)        Hey there! Welcome readers!πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ƒ So today is the continuation of the last updated post, here it goes... After realizing I was being followed, I got really frightened and before I knew it, we started exchanging words, telling my friend who he is according to what the word of GOD was saying, because I got pissed, seeing my very good friend talking in an unusual manner. Like why would he be a victim of this; I asked myself. And each time I did this, the stranger talking through him would say; "Shut Up Believer". We kept on dragging this on and on till it got to a stage I had to stop replying. Later on, I decided to confide in my dad and a man of GOD to completely sort this out. I know many of you might not believe this, but it's true, I used to have the screenshots of the chats, because I cleared the whole thing out of fear and blocked this friend of mine, that made me lost access to getting the conversati...


It's still so funny how there are still people who don't believe that "Lucifer" the serpent exist. Like how in the world? What the?? No, Are you kidding me???πŸ™„πŸ€¨πŸ€¦ How won't you believe that "Satan" does not exist.πŸ˜•πŸ€₯😡 I am a BIG evidence that he exist, at least if you still think it's a lie, maybe my experience will shake off those nonsense off your head so that you won't loose your guard again! In the year 2019, I can't really recollect the month though, maybe September or there about, but definitely towards 2019 ending , something strange happened, it wasn't just strange but scary, as it was something that have never come across beforeπŸ₯ΊπŸ€’ That morning, I was taking jamb tutorial and I was initially chatting with an old friend on WhatsApp, we got chatting interestingly and suddenly I started receiving strange messages from him, I can't really recollect much but here are some of the messages I got;. πŸ“²πŸ₯ ✓Believer ✓Do...


Yes I know you're going through tough times that are shameful to talk about. Yes I know you've lost track of those things you do very well and you're striving to get them back. I know you've being falling into sin over and over and over again, I understand you've made strong determinations to set things right but at the end of it, you still fall and it feels like you can't understand it anymore. No matter how sinfully frustrated you are, you'll still stand firm as long as you keep trying without stopping and backing it up with prayers, you'd turn out well later on. Being broken doesn't mean it ends there for you, Your giving up is the beginning of your failure and it's a failure that leads to downfall.     Failing in the process of trying isn't downfall, such failure will only make you stronger and help you to know the value of where you're headed. A man will only take seriously & with value something he went through a lot...