Have you ever sat down? And asked yourself;
What exactly am I on earth for?
You were being given birth to and now you've grown and still growing, ever thought of why exactly you were born?
And if you never thought of it, is it all about growing?
Shouldn't it be more than that?
These are the questions we should take our time to ask ourselves. Life isn't just all about growing up, getting married, having kids and a good business and that's all! No! Even, let's assume that's it, what of the sick people outside, the needy, ever thought of them and a solution to their problem? How you can be of help to them?.
If you keep growing and enjoying life the way you want, what of the ones that are ill outside there? Can't you see that they are humans like you?. Be of help to them, life is not all about fun, living the way you want, doing what you want. NO!
You are born to be something more!
Something better than marriage!
Something grater and beyond the physical!
You are born to make a change!
That was why I asked earlier, "Ever thought of why exactly you were born"
Take for a good example; JESUS
Look at our lord Jesus Christ, he was sent to the world to die for our sins, he was sent to the world because of the people, he wasn't sent to the world to get married and just do whatever he wants. He was sent and given birth to, to make a change, his existence was what brought about change!
The change He made was sacrificial & it wasn't for himself but for the people, for the world. He was given birth to for a purpose. He could have had all the fun he wanted, but it wasn't just all about that, but something more.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was born to make a change, His change to the world was to sacrifice himself, and not only that, before sacrificing himself, he impacted lives which brought great change into people's lives. And the bible also made us to know that we are Christ-Like, that is we are like Christ Jesus, because we are born and created in his image.
The bible also said, we would do greater works, that means we will do more than Jesus Christ did, can you imagine that?!! That's the greatest honour!.
You are born for a purpose
You have a mission on earth to accomplish
Go out into the world and as the Bible says, Go and preach the gospel, preaching the gospel brings change, impact lives, inspire people, and help them in every way.
Even when people think it's impossible, make it possible, Be a legend, bring great change to people.
You are born to make a change and not born to be changed by the circumstances of life. When you make a positive change in anywhere you find yourself, you will also feel this happiness from within.
Learn to be good, let your existence be meaningful and useful...
JESUS IS COMING SOON...make that change before HE comes...
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