
Showing posts from June, 2021


It's still so funny how there are still people who don't believe that "Lucifer" the serpent exist. Like how in the world? What the?? No, Are you kidding me???🙄🤨🤦 How won't you believe that "Satan" does not exist.😕🤥😵 I am a BIG evidence that he exist, at least if you still think it's a lie, maybe my experience will shake off those nonsense off your head so that you won't loose your guard again! In the year 2019, I can't really recollect the month though, maybe September or there about, but definitely towards 2019 ending , something strange happened, it wasn't just strange but scary, as it was something that have never come across before🥺🤒 That morning, I was taking jamb tutorial and I was initially chatting with an old friend on WhatsApp, we got chatting interestingly and suddenly I started receiving strange messages from him, I can't really recollect much but here are some of the messages I got;. 📲🥏 ✓Believer ✓Do...


Yes I know you're going through tough times that are shameful to talk about. Yes I know you've lost track of those things you do very well and you're striving to get them back. I know you've being falling into sin over and over and over again, I understand you've made strong determinations to set things right but at the end of it, you still fall and it feels like you can't understand it anymore. No matter how sinfully frustrated you are, you'll still stand firm as long as you keep trying without stopping and backing it up with prayers, you'd turn out well later on. Being broken doesn't mean it ends there for you, Your giving up is the beginning of your failure and it's a failure that leads to downfall.     Failing in the process of trying isn't downfall, such failure will only make you stronger and help you to know the value of where you're headed. A man will only take seriously & with value something he went through a lot...


Until when will you continue to allow yourself to be manipulated by someone or people? Until when will you continue to allow people use you and take advantage of you? Until when will you continue to live your life like slavery under someone as a result of your being manipulated. Until when? You have your own value! Your own potentials! You carry something great, but your laziness & nonchalant attitude to figure out that greatness has made you insecure.    You were made for something more, something that manipulation cannot conquer. Where's your stand? Where's your determination? That you let manipulation by peers walk in and out of your life however it so pleases...ugghh! how annoying! Aren't you tired of being suppressed under the tongue of manipulation? Who is manipulation to make you feel inferior?!. Are your friends manipulating you? Let them be! Is it the kinds of things you associate yourself with? Stop them! Please! CUT OFF FRO...


    Hello everyone! I know it's being quiet a long time and sincerely I needed that little space off my website to focus more on my education. Am a student of a Polytechnic, and I tell you, higher institution here in Nigeria is way too bulky and stressful. And when I mean stressful, I meant extra-stressful, although I did try keeping up with my blog updates and at the same time focusing on school but at some point, I realized I needed space from one in other to focus on the other seeing that school demands were way too high. Mehn it was stressful, I  had to complete my registration for the semester, study hard for exams, run siwes registrations and so many important requirements. Well now, am chanced to focus on blogging and as usual the blog updates remains Saturdays. So stay tuned for series of posts and lot's more!